Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 16, 2015................ 12 Months Later

This Thursday I will celebrate, along with my wonderful employees, family, friends and customers one year of business at 46 West Fifth Street in beautiful downtown Dayton.  I would say that it has been like a flash before my eyes but that would be less than the truth.

This year has been filled with great success, followed by amazing praise and wonderful times at Third Perk Coffeehouse & Wine Bar.  But this adventure has also included its challenges, set backs, disappointments and tears.  Through it all, I don't think I would trade it for anything else.  The lessons learned over the past 12 months have allowed me to become a better business woman, to expect the unexpected and to believe in the unbelievable.  I have learned that dreams come true and they even inspire others to dream.

Just this week as we prepare for our anniversary we opened our second location, Third Perk Express! @ the Northwest Branch Library.  We are the first to have a cafe in the Dayton Montgomery Library system.  This is an amazing accomplishment for us and we hope to serve the residents of Northwest Dayton well with amazing coffee products.

Yesterday was the kick off to our week long anniversary celebration.  It was a wonderful out pour of the community coming by purchasing their favorite beverages and enjoying music by my very talented husband Robert Sanae.

The afternoon also included the support of participating vendors: LeKeisha Nicole, Charlynda and Francine Cummings.  They shared the event with Third Perk offering a great selection of foods, art and publications.  It was a wonderful afternoon.  It was a constant stream of love and support of the business.

I look forward to opening the doors to Third Perk Coffeehouse & Wine Bar this coming Thursday.  Our first 10 customers will receive a $10 Third Perk gift card.  Twelve months ago  I opened the doors to the public and there was no one waiting to come.  :-) Not one person.  How wonderful would it be for there to be a line waiting outside the door at 7:00am.  It's possible.  A girl can dream can't she!

1 comment:

  1. I think your business has been a great impact in the Terra Cotta Business District we love your business in our community it makes it more at home for us. Wishing you more years to come thanks and congratulations ...
